Welcome to the Parish on the Myall River
Loving God – Loving People – Making Disciples
We aim to be a Church of learning followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being saved by grace and with the power of the Holy Spirit, desire to grow to be more like Jesus and to help others to know and follow him also.
Stroud Street
Bulahdelah NSW
414a Tarean Road Karuah NSW
Corner of Witt & Ogden Streets
Tea Gardens NSW
St John's
Every Sunday 10:30 am
Communion 1st Sunday of the month
St columba's
Every Sunday 9.00am
Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays:
2nd & 4th Sundays: Praise, Prayer & Proclamation
MESSY CHURCH: 1st Sunday of the month from 4.00-5.30pm
Have fun, explore faith, free dinner! Great for families of all ages.
St Andrew's
Every Sunday 8:30 am
Communion every 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Morning prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays
Parish Prayer meeting every Tuesday 3-4pm @ St Andrew’s Church Tea Gardens.
Join us as we pray for our church, our community, and the world.
Bible Studies
Ladies KYB Bible studies in Tea Gardens Mondays 3pm, Tuesdays 9:30am and Wednesdays 2pm
Ladies Bible study at Palm Lake Tea Gardens on Tuesdays
KYB Bible studies in Bulahdelah, Thursday fortnightly at 1pm
Mixed Bible Study with dinner in Hawks Nest Tuesdays 6-8:30pm
Mixed Bible Study with dinner in Tea Gardens Wednesdays 5:30-8pm
Men’s Growth Group
Meets at St Andrew’s Tea Gardens on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays 10-11am
Coffee Mornings
Men and Ladies groups each meet Thursday mornings in Tea Gardens
Little Fish Playgroup
Fridays 10-11.30pm in the hall at St Columba, Karuah
Big Fish Fridays Kids Club
Fridays 3:15-5:00pm – for children in school years 4-6. In the hall at St Columba, Karuah
See also our Parish facebook page “Anglican Parish of Bulahdelah, Tea Gardens with Karuah”
Thinking about world mission? Here is another encouraging link for your information of how the gospels spread throughout the world is being supported by Gafcon: https://www.gafcon.org/sunday-2020/video
St John's
9.00 am – 1 pm
Please do not leave furniture or unsaleable goods
St Columba's
Wednesday to Saturday-
9am to 1pm
We can only accept goods during opening hours. Thank you
St Andrew's
Wednesdays and Fridays
8.30 am – 12.30 pm
8.30 am – 12.30 pm
We can only accept goods during opening hours
St John's Bulahdelah
St Columba's Karuah
St Andrew's Tea Gardens
Parish Details
Church Office
Phone: 02 4997 1869
Parish Office Postal Address: PO Box 324, Tea Gardens NSW 2324
Parish email: office@parishbtgk.com
Parish banking details
We encourage all regular giving via direct deposit to-
Anglican Parish of Bulahdelah/Tea Gardens
BSB: 705077 Account No: 00040525 Reference: Offertory
Inquiries- Adrian Anderson, Treasurer, 0439413790
The Anglican Diocese of Newcastle takes allegations of misconduct and abuse seriously. Professional Standards Protocols provide formal procedures for handling complaints of misconduct. We welcome and encourage people with any concerns to come forward by speaking with a contact person. Contact people are trained to listen, will maintain confidentiality, can help you to understand the processes involved and if required, can assist in documenting the complaint.
If you would like to speak with someone, please phone 1800 774 945
Or contact the Director of Professional Standards directly at:
Anglican Diocese of Newcastle PO Box 494 Newcastle NSW, 2300
Email: dps@newcastleanglican.org.au
Phone: 0400 158 268
Diocesan Safety Policy: